Monday, August 23, 2010

Ninja Rolls

A very important aspect of Yasakiu is the art of ninja rolling. The Yasaki is a master at this craft, and you can be, too! Here is all you need to do in order to set up your own ninja rolling stadium:

  1. First, lay a sheet down onto a carpeted floor. Wood can work (sort of) but it is a lot easier to do it on a soft place.
  2. Lay a bunch of pillows across the sheet so that you can have padding and not hurt yourself.
  3. Make sure that you have a clear path to the pillows, and that there is an area past the pillows that you can land on.
  4. Now... run all the way to the pillows, and once you reach them, drop and roll. Spring back up again after your roll.
It is very important to do this in a flush motion for supreme accuracy. Practice again and again until you become talented at it. Maybe even try rolling twice, or three times in a row. But the most important thing to do is to "Have fun!" Haha no that's not the main point! The main point is to "Get good at it!" Yup. That's it.

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